This Coat of Arms drawing was commissioned by an old friend of mine. He himself was always into family history and the like, so he was very excited when I began this division of artwork. Having also commissioned a drawing for his older brother, for the first time I had to tackle the dilemma of producing two separate oat of arms drawing for the same last name, even the same family. Having grown up with him, I definitely had more to work with in that regard. The three white fish on a red shield is the standard or traditional coat of arms for the family name. Within the clouds in the upper-right of the composition you will find the names of the other members of his family. I know he enjoys the outdoors so through the center-line of the piece I have included a mountain range of sorts. The waterfall is there to illustrate tranquility, something he needs focus on day to day to help him through the struggles of life, like all of us need. On the left of the piece is his childhood home, not far from my own neighborhood in Florida where I spent most of my upbringing. I along with many of our friends spent many an afternoon and night hanging out at the house, even calling it “The Shelter”, colloquially. If you look closely, you will also find his cat “Dopey” sitting on the front porch of the house, as he was wont to do.
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